Saturday, 19 September 2015

Facts about illiteracy in Canada...

In this post we will be looking close and deep in to illiteracy facts around the world to start with Canada..

"Four in 10 high school youth have insufficient reading skills. Two in 10 university graduates, five in 10 adults, and six in 10 immigrants also have insufficient literacy skills… While both levels of government are engaged in literacy programs, there is little evidence that it is working. Canada is losing billions because of illiteracy." (Toronto Dominion Report – Literacy Matters, 2007).

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Lunchboxes4Literacy 2015

Hello Friends,

We would like to thank everyone for their support for our fundraisers throughout the year. It is because of your support in our community fundraisers such as Lunchboxes4Literacy that we are able to support the education of 15 children for 2015-16 school year at Sarada Vidyalayam in Kakinada, India through the registered Canadian charity Manjari Sankurathri Memorial Foundation (MSMF).

Thank you for your support and we look forward to the continued community support!

                                                                                                                            -United4Literacy Team